Thank you for having taken a moment to review my virtual AUTHOR VISIT - PEP RALLY FOR READING!
I've conducted over fifty ZOOM author visits. I no longer do so. These are a few of the reasons why...
Limited to a one-sided author talk/book reading.
One-Dimensional & Muted (with a delay)
The author can communicate with your school - Your school cannot communicate with the author (muted).
Low educational and entertainment value (boring)
Very expensive - Cost outweighs the Quality
Poor Sound and Picture Quality - No Flexibility
One time offer - Unpredictable internet connections/Staggered Video
If you just want the basics: Zoom-style programs are a fine option
If you want to take things to another level...
The virtual PreK-2 & Gr3-6 experiences are video streams. I've taken my school author visit (a record 90 schools/year) and added video technology, 3D animation, and original music to form a one-of-a-kind literary experience. The video streams are much higher in quality than a Zoom-style program, more relatable, flexible for teachers, and extremely interactive.
In-School, Distance, and Hybrid Learning: You can use the streams at your convenience (without the typical internet and scheduling complications) through the 2024 school year (including all updates).
Interactive: The K-2 program is interactive (freeze dancing, pep rally cheers, etc..). It's important that the teachers direct the students. K-2 teachers can also stop and start the videos to ask questions. I've left pauses in the
videos for this specific reason.
I hope you decide to take advantage of the program. I believe your students will benefit greatly from this unique literary perspective.